Dragon Age: Inquisition

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Debería solucionar los fallos por los que los personajes se quedaban atascados en incómodos silencios.

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Dragon Age: Inquisition fue sin duda uno de los mejores juegos de todo 2014 (quedó segundo en nuestros premios), y uno de sus fuertes es el carisma de sus personajes. Sin embargo, el estudio BioWare todavía tiene algunas imperfecciones que limar, y el tercer parche que va a recibir el juego soluciona algunos problemas relacionados precisamente con las frases que pronuncian esos protagonistas.

La tercera actualización ya está en camino para PC y luego llegará a consolas (fecha por determinar), y entre otras cosas arregla el sistema de 'banter' o parloteo. Según anuncia el estudio:

"En base al 'feedback' de nuestros jugadores, hemos ajustado el sistema de habla para que sea menos aleatorio, con la intención de evitar silencios demasiado largos".

Aparte de este apaño tan solicitado, la actualización trata lógicamente otros tantos asuntos, centrándose especialmente en "arreglar 'bugs', en particular los que bloqueaban el avance o estropeaban la experiencia de juego".

Si quieres saber a qué se refieren los desarrolladores exactamente, dale a la rueda del ratón o pasa el dedo para consultar la lista completa oficial más abajo.

Dragon Age: Inquisition

Added key binding that allows players to walk.
Added mouse cursor scaling.
Fixed issue that could result in the mouse getting stuck in mouse-look mode when players alt-tabbed out of the game in full-screen mode.
Fixed display bars to correctly reflect items that alter maximum health.

Changed party banter system to be less random to prevent extra-long periods where no conversations would occur.
Fixed issue that could result in one of Dorian's conversations not being available for some players.
Fixed issue that could result in a cutscene not firing for Dorian's plot when players enter the Gull and Lantern.
Fixed issue that could result in Sera's Verchiel plot being broken.
Fixed issue with the demon that could spawn during Solas's personal quest.
Changed Tactical Camera so that it no longer re-centers when the player changes party members.
Fixed exploit that allowed for infinite influence.
Fixed issue that allowed players to exploit their gold value in single-player mode.
Fixed allied mage AI so they did not dispel targets that the player had frozen.
Fixed issue that caused the bar displaying armor rating to not update correctly for crafted gear.
Fixed issue that caused extra potions granted by items to be lost when players return to Skyhold.
Fixed issue that caused Mind Blast's upgrade, Fortifying Blast, to not provide additional barrier.
Fixed issue that could result in the opt-in conversation UI continuing to be displayed if players opted out very quickly as the UI was starting to be displayed.
Fixed issue that could result in the world map being permanently displayed in the Storm Coast.
Fixed issue that could result in being unable to switch party members after looting.
Fixed issue that could result in party members not following orders to revive a party member in Tactical Camera mode.
Fixed issue that could result in people being unable to discover all the regions in the Exalted Plains.
Fixed issue that could cause dragons to become unresponsive.
Fixed issue that would cause dragons to freeze during their roar.
Fixed issue that could cause some conversations to be "hitchy."
Fixed issue that could cause Varric's legs to do odd things in some opt-in conversations.
Fixed Masterwork Prowler Armor so it no longer distorts on certain characters.
Fixed issue that could cause Harmon to disappear in certain circumstances.
Fixed a few non-herb crafting materials that were showing up in the Herbs section of the inventory. They are now correctly in the Other section.

Enabled push-to-talk functionality in the multiplayer end of match screen.
Enabled push-to-talk in the multiplayer armor upgrade menu.
Fixed issue where changing multiplayer match settings would take effect without confirming changes.
Fixed issue that could result in players entering multiplayer matches without any mapped abilities in certain circumstances.
Fixed case that could cause keys to not drop in multiplayer mode.
Fixed issue that would cause the potion mapped to the first slot to also be used when pushing the 9 key in multiplayer mode.
Fixed issue that would cause the camera to spin at the end of a multiplayer match and not display the end of match screen.
Fixed issue in multiplayer mode that would result in the healing portion of Rampage to stop working in certain circumstances.
Tuned Strength of Spirits to be more useful in multiplayer mode.
Tweaked the balance of the Demon Commander in multiplayer mode.
Fixed issue that could result in items not displaying their cards when chests are opened in multiplayer mode.
Fixed issue that could cause pots to respawn in certain circumstances in multiplayer mode.

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